High Performance: How Cannabis is Changing Athletics

Jar of Earthy Select cannabis gummies and a skater's foot on a skateboard. Cannabis is changing athletics.

Cannabis, once denied and demonized in sports, now emerges as a significant factor in the athletic world. With its evolving perception from a banned substance to a potential performance enhancer and wellness aid, cannabis is challenging traditional views on drug use in sports. Indeed, as more athletes explore the plant’s benefits, governing bodies like the NCAA and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) find themselves re-evaluating their policies [1, 2]. This article explores how cannabis is changing athletics, focusing on its implications for student-athletes, professional sports, and the broader conversation around performance-enhancing drugs.

The historical stigma of cannabis in sports

Cannabis has long been classified alongside performance-enhancing drugs as a banned substance within most sports organizations. For instance, the NCAA’s drug testing program, like those of other governing bodies, has strictly enforced the prohibition of cannabis use among student-athletes. Historically, cannabis was viewed primarily through the lens of recreational use, with little attention given to its potential medical aspects or its effects on athletic performance [3].

Indeed, the perception of cannabis as a harmful substance was reinforced by its classification as a Schedule I drug in the United States. Confusedly, by definition this designation indicated a high potential for abuse, and as not viable for medical use. Ultimately, this categorization fueled the stigma around cannabis consumption, particularly in the context of sports, where the focus has traditionally been on maintaining fairness and integrity. However, as research into the medical aspects of cannabis has expanded, so too has its acceptance as a legitimate option for wellness [3].

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Cannabis and athletic performance

In recent years, athletes at all levels, from elite student-athletes to professional sports figures, have begun to explore the potential benefits of cannabis. More specifically, athletes have found it to be helpful in the areas of wellness and recovery [4].

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The endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a critical role in regulating perceptions of pain, inflammation, and overall well-being, lies at the center of these effects. In the ECS, cannabinoids like THC and CBD interact with cannabinoid receptors in the body. For many athletes, cannabis offers a more natural alternative to medications like opioids or other potentially recommended substances [4].

Self-reported cannabis consumption in relation to sport performance and recovery

Athletes have reported their cannabis use, citing its effectiveness in aiding in recovery and other wellness benefits. Notably, the NCAA’s Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports (CCSMAS) has taken note of these trends. However, some have concerns about the potential for cannabis use as a performance enhancer [1].

Golfer wearing fancy watch retrieves ball from hole on green. Cannabis use is accepted by affluent people.

Despite its potential benefits, many sports governing bodies still classify it as a banned substance. Thus, the debate over whether cannabis should be considered a performance-enhancing drug remains. For instance, some argue that its ergogenic effects—such as reducing anxiety and enhancing focus—could provide an unfair competitive advantage. However, no direct evidence has emerged to conclusively support this claim, and much of the discourse remains speculative [5].

Cannabis’s Role In Recovery and Fitness

Legal and ethical considerations

The evolving legal landscape surrounding cannabis use has added another layer of complexity to its role in sports. As more states and countries legalize both recreational and medicinal use of cannabis, the question of how to regulate its use among athletes has become increasingly pressing. However, the NCAA’s Divisional Governance Structures and the WADA have been slow to adapt to these changes, often maintaining strict bans on cannabis consumption [3].

For example, the NCAA drug testing program continues to include cannabis on its banned substances list, subjecting student-athletes to penalties if they test positive for THC use. However, this policy has been criticized by some as outdated, particularly given the shift in public opinion and the increasing acceptance of cannabis as a medical treatment. Moreover, substance misuse experts increasingly question the punitive approach to cannabis use. Indeed, many advocate for a harm reduction strategy that focuses on education and support rather than punishment [3].

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The ethical debate around cannabis in sports

Ethical debates around cannabis in sports often center on issues of fairness and safety. On one hand, there are legitimate concerns about the potential for cannabis to enhance athletic performance, giving some athletes an unfair advantage. On the other hand, the medical use of cannabis for conditions like pain and concussion-related symptoms highlights the need for a more nuanced approach. The CCSMAS has acknowledged these challenges. However, they have not yet found a balance between allowing therapeutic use and attempting to prevent abuse [6].

Premium cannabis products from Earthy Select

For those who seek top-quality, organic cannabis products, Earthy Select provides a wide variety of indicas, sativas, and hybrids in an assortment of product lines for every need and preference.

  • Vape Products:  Earthy Select’s Delta-8 THC premium vape cartridges and disposable vape pens feature a rich blend of cannabis terpenes for optimal flavor and effects.
  • Cannabis Edibles: Delta-8, Delta-9, and Delta-10 Gummies are potent and made with all-natural ingredients. They offer an easy and delicious cannabis experience, and users report feelings of relaxation, euphoria, increased creativity, and pleasure.
  • Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC Oils: Full-spectrum CBD extract combines with Delta-8 or Delta-10 for easy, discrete consumption.

Earthy Select THCa concentrates:

  1. Bubble Hash: Made through an ice-water extraction, this potent THCa hash satisfies the most discerning of cannabis concentrate connoisseurs.
  2. Diamonds: These sparkling THCa diamonds pack a full gram of concentrated THCa and .3 grams of live resin CBD sauce, terpenes, and other minor cannabinoids. 99.9% THCa!
  3. Live Rosin: Enthusiasts love Earthy Select’s powerful THCa rosin. Extracted from trichome-rich cannabis plants, this buttery treat is pure, potent, and flavorful.

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Athlete testimonials and real-world impact

Athletes from various sports have publicly shared their experiences with cannabis, highlighting its positive effects on their performance and recovery. For example, former NFL player Josh Whitman has spoken about how cannabis helped him manage the physical toll of his career, allowing him to maintain his level of play while avoiding the negative side effects of traditional painkillers. Similarly, many athletes have reported using cannabis as part of their preparation for maximal exercise performance, citing its ability to reduce worry and improve focus [7].

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Extensive study-informed research supports these testimonials and gives insight into the acute effects of cannabis on athletic performance. While the long-term impact of cannabis use on physical performance remains unclear, many experts recognize its potential as a tool for enhancing recovery and maintaining well-being. However, the lack of systematic review means that much of the discourse around cannabis in sports relies on anecdotal reports and preliminary findings [4].

Future directions: a new approach to cannabis in sports

As the conversation around cannabis in sports continues to evolve, many call for more research and a reevaluation of existing policies [4]. Thus, the NCAA’s committee on competitive safeguards and medical aspects of sports, along with other governing bodies, must grapple with the challenges posed by this pressure. This includes reevaluating the place of cannabis on the banned substance list [1]. Additionally, it highlights the need for a harm reduction approach that prioritizes athlete health and safety.

The world anti-doping community, including the WADA, also faces pressure to adapt to the changing landscape. While concerns about the performance-enhancing effects of cannabis are valid, many recognize its potential benefits, particularly in the context of wellness and recovery [2]. As more research emerges, we may see a shift towards more nuanced policies that take into account the medical aspects of cannabis use while maintaining the integrity of competitive sports.

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Key takeaway: how cannabis is changing athletics

In conclusion, cannabis is undoubtedly changing the athletic world, challenging long-held beliefs about drug use in sports and prompting a reevaluation of how we approach issues of fairness, safety, and athlete well-being. Whether it is ultimately accepted as a legitimate tool for enhancing wellness and recovery or remains a heavily regulated substance, cannabis will continue to play a significant role in the future of athletics.

Visit Earthy Select for a wealth of wellness and recreational cannabis products for every preference!

Keep reading: The ABCs of Cannabis Consumption: Answering Your Burning Questions

Medical Disclaimer / Legal Disclaimer – Information is provided for educational purposes. It does not and is not intended to constitute legal advice or medical advice. We attempt to be accurate and up-to-date, but the legality of cannabinoids and the science of cannabis are evolving. The author is neither a legal professional nor a medical expert. Before buying or using any products, you should check with your local authorities and medical providers.


  1. Committee Adjusts THC Test Threshold
  2. WADA Executive Committee Approves 2023 Prohibited List
  3. Wikipedia: Cannas and Sports
  4. Later Hit: Does Cannabis Ease Pain, Speed Recovery in Injured Athletes?
  5. Cannabis and Exercise Performance: Current Evidence
  6. Cannabis in Sport
  7. NCAA Division I Removes Cannabinoids From Banned Drug Class for Championships, Postseason Football

Frequently Asked Questions

Cannabis has the reputation of reducing anxiety and improve focus for some users. However, it’s not proven to enhance physical performance – could it be placebo effect? Research is still ongoing [5].

Cannabis is banned in most sports, including by organizations like the NCAA and WADA. However, rules are changing in some areas [3].

Some athletes use cannabis because they claim it brings faster relief, helps recovery and reduces stress. Some choose it because it offers a natural alternative to traditional medications [4]. These claims haven’t been proven by research but there is more and more interest and promise in recent findings.